Masarykovo náměstí 2799 Pardubice

sun: 10:00 - 21:00



We want to be the first bank you can love.

Air Bank is not like other banks. Our service is simple, easy to understand, and provides only the products and services you really need.

Have a coffee with us while discussing your current account or the great rates we offer on our savings accounts.

If you need a loan, rest assured that Air Bank will reward you for being on time with your repayments.

We match our services and products to your needs so you’ll never be buying something unsuitable.

The Air Bank team

  • mon - sat: 9:00 - 20:00,
    sun: 10:00 - 20:00


We want to be the first bank you can love.

Air Bank is not like other banks. Our service is simple, easy to understand, and provides only the products and services you really need.

Have a coffee with us while discussing your current account or the great rates we offer on our savings accounts.

If you need a loan, rest assured that Air Bank will reward you for being on time with your repayments.

We match our services and products to your needs so you’ll never be buying something unsuitable.

The Air Bank team